Echoes of Fado in the Portuguese Art
7 July, 2011 to 17 September, 2011

In the context of the Application of Fado to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (UNESCO) the Lisbon City Hall through EGEAC / Museu do Fado promoted the exhibition "Echoes of Fado in the Portuguese Art, XIX-XXI Centuries", at the Sala do Risco, Pátio da Galé, from July 7 to September 17, 2011.
The history of Fado is a fabric woven in a close dialogue with the city and is also the story of all those whore invented it in the domains of plastic creation. If we take a close look at those plastic arts that represented the Fado theme we shall find how deeply rooted Fado is in regional and national terms, the extent to which its representation spans across many sectors, its identity as object for inexhaustible quotation and pictorial re-creation by consecutive generations of Portuguese artists, in the framework of different motivations and aesthetical, ideological or symbolic constraints.
This exhibition is devoted to the relationship between Fado and the national artistic experience,proposing an integrated and multidisciplinary reading of the representations of Fado in the Portuguese Fado in the Art from nineteenth to twenty-one centuries,including artworks by Roque Gameiro, Columbano, José Malhoa, Constantino Fernandes, Almada Negreiros, Amadeo Souza-Cardoso, Eduardo Viana, Domingos Alvarez, Bernardo Marques, Stuart Carvalhais, João Abel Manta, Carlos Botelho, Cândido da Costa Pinto, Júlio Pomar, Leonel Moura, Graça Morais, António Carmo, Paula Rego, João Vieira, Arman, Adriana Molder, João Pedro Vale, Miguel Palma and Joana Vasconcelos, among others testimonies that reinvented the theme.

Photo: Luís Carvalhal

Photo: Luís Carvalhal

Photo: Luís Carvalhal

Photo: Luís Carvalhal

Photo: Luís Carvalhal

Photo: Luís Carvalhal