Solo Pictórico - Variações
26 January, 2012 to 16 March, 2012

The exhibition Solo Pictórico- Variações is dedicated to the painting by musician Carlos Barretto. The project is the result of the incursions in painting by the jazz musician. In this exhibition, Carlos Barretto presents a series of eleven canvases dedicated to fado and its interpreters.
In his own words: "I am a musician by profession and my vehicle of expression is sound. I work with sound materials. For those who consider me a painter, a visual artist, I usually answer that I try to express sounds graphically and visually. The representation of notions normally associated with music such as rhythm, form, harmony, color, nuance, chromatism, dynamics, movement, make me feel like a musician who paints sounds.
After the series "Jazz musicians", I dedicated myself this last year to the theme "artists of Fado", a musical genre that I have always cherished and that led me to work and live with most of the musicians and singers represented here. The canvases portray us in the exercise of their craft, the energy and electricity that I feel emanate from their acts of creation."

Foto de José Frade | Museu do Fado

Foto de José Frade | Museu do Fado

Foto de José Frade | Museu do Fado

Foto de José Frade | Museu do Fado

Foto de José Frade | Museu do Fado

Foto de José Frade | Museu do Fado

Foto de José Frade | Museu do Fado