13 March, 2010

Silêncio Fado Silêncio (Silence Fado Silence)


On March 13rd 2010 the Museu do Fado hosted a very special initiative: Silêncio Fado Silêncio, a fado session for the hearing impaired, where the bass sounds are raised to allow the feeling the musical vibration while the poems translation is done simultaneously, to sign language.

The Grupo de Fados do ISEP was responsible for the musical performances.

“The double silence is a clear reference to the hearing impaired universe and to the silence required for a Fado session. On the centre of this sentence we have Fado. As a national song is patrimony of all the Portuguese people. Being for all, all it must reach.”

Luís Carlos Aguiar Santos – Magister Grupo de Fados ISE-IPP